Sunday 10 April 2011

Mia Relaxing

Sunday snooze again, another hard weekend!

Sunday 9 January 2011

Mia Likes To Watch TV

Saturday 6 November 2010

Mia Telly Watching

Sunday 18 July 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Friday 25 June 2010

Out Hunting (on a Lead)

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Mia and Flowers

Every time I take a photo of Mia she manages to close her eyes before the camera flash!

Friday 29 January 2010

Visit to the vet

29th January 2010

Mia was at the vet today to have her yearly injections and a check up and came out with a glowing report. The vet was so pleased to see her as she had never seen a Norwegian Forest Cat before and was quite surprised at the similarity to a Mains Coon although Mia is typically about 3/4lbs lighter. She was regarded as a star by everyone and her new 'Rolls Royce' cat carrier was admired by all. She did however Mia'owed loudly all the way there and back in the car.

We thought she might be a little bit moody when we got her home, but true to being the lovely little lady that she is the first thing she did was give Henry my hubby cuddle. She also came away with free food samples, nobody ever does that for me when I go to the Docs!!

She is due back next year for the same again, but as we are getting her used to travelling she will be back in her 'Rolls Royce' for another trip soon - we'll let you know how it goes. Now the weather is better, she is back to having her walks on her lead at night with Henry as you will see from the first photograph.
